Monday, May 21, 2012

Managed Review Work Flow

The procedure of enhancing one’s legal documents in support or against a particular court case. Through online software, one can easily search, obtain, process, analyse, interpret and save legal data that will strengthen their evidences for or against a court case. Through this software you can easily increase the chances of a favorable outcome as you have access to all the important and reliable information.

Litigation has become an important process world-over. Searching for paper data or you can call it data in hard copy format is often a tedious process with little hope of getting your hands on the right document. This ease of handling the documents also makes their interpretation much simplified for the user. You might not believe it but correct and timely access and interpretation to the documents related to case are very instrumental in turning the course of the judgement of the case towards or against you.

Also, managed review is more cost-effective compared to assembling a team of paralegals and attorneys. Also, the latter requires constant supervision and control which simply increases the work at hand. Going for a management review provider also helps in fixing the responsibility regarding the validation of the legal documents and its interpretation which is not possible in the case of working with attroneys.

Work flow includes all the processes like designing process, assuring quality and assignment validation which are needed to be carried out for managed review. All these processes are required to achieve the fixed and desired security and quality levels. Depending on the varied work flows, there are different types of managed reviews or approval stages as below:

1. Serial review: At various stages, there are a set of reviewers who sequentially review the legal documents and work flows one by one~The legal documents under this type of managed review comprises of a set of reviewers who review the documents in a sequential manner}.

2. Parallel reviews: Here, the set of reviewers review the work flows simultaneously and add their inferences and suggestions thereof.

3. Serial approval: This stage is an extension of serial review except for the difference that the upper reviews has a right to accept or reject the suggestions of his predecessor.

4. Parallel approval—Here, the approvers take part in the approval process simultaneously. Being a client you are allowed to have a say in the selection or alteration of the review type. You can, in fact select the reviews type yourself and also have the decision to change the review system in case of dissatisfactions.

To find more about managed review work-flow click here.

Going for managed review work flow will not only help you with the present case but it will also be helpful in your future cases. Remember to keep a record of the documents produced for referring in possible future cases.

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